International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS <p>International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) is open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, an international journal published in English. The <strong>IJRSS</strong> Journal is the Social Science and humanities journal with <strong>e-ISSN: 2582-6220, and DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS</strong> publishes original research articles, review articles, and letters to the editor. IIJRSS provides wider sharing of knowledge and the acceleration of research, and is thus in the best interest of authors, potential readers, and increases the availability, accessibility, visibility and impact of the papers, and the journal as a whole. The IJRSS focusing on theories, methods, and applications of Social Science and humanities research, increasing academic prosperity, and fostering international academic exchange and cooperation. This journal provides a platform for sharing the latest high-quality research concerning Social Science and humanities research.</p> <p>It is our immense pleasure to introduce the International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS), Social Sciences Journal to cater to the publication needs of teachers, scientists, scholars, students, and professionals. We thank all the resources with us, in the form of an eminent advisory board and editorial board for all their cooperation and enthusiastic involvement in this blooming endeavor.</p> Sretechjournals en-US International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS 2582-6220 Effect of Credit Risk Management on Financial Performance of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria <p><em>Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) deal with loans to customers that are anticipated to be returned following the terms of the arrangement. Customers who fail to repay their loans within the prearranged timeframe risk accruing bad and doubtful debt, which could have an adverse effect on the bank's stability and financial performance.</em></p> <p><em>This study was conducted to explore the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria for 2013-2022. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design and sampled ten (10) listed deposit money banks. </em></p> <p><em>Using Panel Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression as a data estimation technique, the result of the study showed that credit risk management has a significant effect on return on asset (Adj R2= 0.301, F-Statistics =4.561471, p-value=0.000011&lt;0.05).</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results, t</em><em>he study concluded that credit risk management has a significant effect on the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. </em></p> <p><em>The study recommended that the management of </em><em>deposit money banks should focus on strengthening their credit risk management practices and ensuring sufficient liquidity to mitigate the negative impact on profitability.</em></p> Rasheed Olatunji ANIMASAUN Omolara Modinat OMOTUNWASE Abdul Ganiyu Akanji BABAYANJU Adedamola Ayinde BAMGBOYE Copyright (c) 2025 Rasheed Olatunji ANIMASAUN, Omolara Modinat OMOTUNWASE, Abdul Ganiyu Akanji BABAYANJU, Adedamola Ayinde BAMGBOYE 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 1 12 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.1 Impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on Students Performance in Biology Practical in Vihiga County, Kenya <p>The study investigated impact of Integrating Basic Science Process Skills on students’ performance in Biology practical. Research study objective was to determine students level of mastery of Basic Science Process Skills in learning of Biology practical. Form Three students were involved in the study. The study adopted Constructivism theory and Quasi experimental research design. Data was collected using Biology Achievement Test. The tests consisted of both pretest and posttest. The students target population was 4560 Form Three students. A sample size of 384 Form Three students was obtained from the target population using Yamane’s formula. Twelve participating schools were selected by applying Stratified and Simple random sampling method. Six experimental and six control group of schools were created using Purposive sampling method. Experimental group were taught using practical activities while control group focused on teacher centered activities. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 27. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze mean, standard deviation and median. Inferential statistics were used to determine significance of results. Content validity was determined by piloting the study instruments. Internal consistency reliability of the tests was determined using Kuder-Richardson 20 formula (=.978). A two-way ANOVA indicated that there was a significant difference in learners’ performance in Biology practical in both experimental group and control group at p&lt;.05.</p> Kadenyi Mercy Osotsi Aineah Wambasi WAITITU MICHAEL MUCHOKI Copyright (c) 2025 Kadenyi Mercy Osotsi, Dr. WAMBASI AINEAH WANG'ANYA, DR.WAITITU MICHAEL MUCHOKI 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 13 23 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.2 Harmonizing Education: A Case Study on the Constructive Alignment Approach to Crisis in Teacher Education Curriculum and Licensure Examination Competencies <p><em>This qualitative research examined how teacher education program coordinators address the misalignment between the teacher education curriculum and licensure examination competencies through the Constructive Alignment Approach, focusing on the intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment methods. Through an in-depth interview with these coordinators from tertiary institutions who were selected through a purposive sampling technique, several themes emerged on how program coordinators deal with this crisis. The findings of this study highlight the multifaceted challenges encountered by the program coordinators that include misalignment of learning outcomes and standards due to conflicting directives, outdated and fragmented curriculum content, resource limitations, ineffective assessment methods, and difficulties in syllabus alignment. To address these issues, coordinators employ strategies such as prioritizing educational standards, continuously reviewing and revising curricula, seeking external assistance to fill resource gaps, tailoring assessments to better reflect competencies, and fostering collaboration among faculty members. They also adopt proactive and adaptive approaches by staying updated with policy changes, leveraging data and feedback for curriculum improvement, involving stakeholders in curriculum design, and promoting continuous professional development through training and expert consultations. We recommend a joint CHED-PRC-higher institution committee be organized to harmonize specifications and guidelines using constructive alignment to improve coherence and licensure exam preparation. Program coordinators must adopt flexible, feedback-driven curriculum reviews, engage in professional development, and update assessments to ensure relevance and alignment with evolving educational standards, while future researchers should explore comparative studies across board courses.</em></p> Earshad Banjal Frances Jay Berame Johnmart Elesio Copyright (c) 2025 Earshad Banjal, Frances Jay Berame, Johnmart Elesio 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 24 43 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.3 The Role of Social Actors in the Character Resilience of Former Drug Offenders in Surakarta City, Central Java <p><em>The role of social actors is crucial in building the character resilience of former drug offenders in Surakarta, a city marked by its diversity and progress. Social actors must support the reintegration of ex-drug offenders, who often experience feelings of inferiority and face difficulties reintegrating into society after their release from prison. This support can be provided through various means, including moral and emotional support, social and life skills training, and assistance in finding employment or developing entrepreneurial ventures. This research aims to examine the role of social actors—comprising family and friends, government, the private sector, and civil society organizations—in fostering the character resilience of former drug offenders in Surakarta, Central Java. The study employs social roles and actors as analytical tools to understand these phenomena. In essence, qualitative research is used to explain how individuals perceive, describe, or interpret their social world, drawing meaning from their interactions. The findings reveal that the role of social actors in enhancing the character resilience of former drug offenders remains suboptimal. Rehabilitation and reintegration efforts led by these social actors have not been effectively implemented to build self-confidence among former drug offenders. There is a clear need for continued assistance and supervision, education and training, and personal engagement from community or religious leaders to combat negative societal stigma. Strategies to improve the effectiveness of social actors in building character resilience have not been thoroughly developed, such as organizing mental resilience training integrated with spiritual guidance. The rehabilitation process should involve families through education and assistance to provide emotional support. Several social and environmental barriers to build the character resilience of former drug offenders persist, such as the enduring negative stigma of being labeled as an addict, which hampers support for the rehabilitation process. Former offenders frequently face social rejection and discriminatory attitudes, particularly in employment contexts, which diminishes their self-esteem and motivation. However, social support from families and the community can offer an essential sense of security for former drug offenders. Encouragement from the social environment has not been fully realized; many families fail to provide the emotional support necessary for community acceptance, and effective communication to resolve issues remains lacking. Meanwhile, close friends play a role in promoting societal acceptance and providing positive oversight. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool in educating the public about the dangers of drug abuse and supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of former drug offenders.</em></p> Henriyadi Wasono Putro Agus Sholahuddin Catur Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2025 Henriyadi Wasono Putro, Agus Sholahuddin, Catur Wahyudi 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 44 70 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.4 Cultural Specificity in Nollywood comedy films <p><em>In his seminal work on humor, Noel Carroll suggests that comedy is deeply rooted in the cultural context in which it originates, and its resonance may be confined to specific societies, struggling to transcend national boundaries. This paper explores Carroll's assertion within the context of Nollywood, Nigeria's vibrant and diverse film industry. With over 250 ethnic groups, numerous languages, and a wide range of comedic sensibilities, Nollywood offers a compelling case study for investigating the cultural specificity of comedy. This study focuses on two Nollywood films, The Wedding Party Part One (2016) and Aki and Pawpaw (2021), to examine how certain comedic elements, such as set pieces, gags, jokes, wordplay, and characters, adhere to or transcend the cultural specificity Carroll describes. By analyzing these films, this paper seeks to understand how Nollywood's diversity shapes its comedy and whether certain comedic themes can resonate beyond Nigeria’s borders.</em></p> Maureen Okwulogu Copyright (c) 2025 Maureen Okwulogu 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 71 78 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.5 Socio-Economic, Academic, and Support Factors in Relation to the Academic Performance of on-Probation Students <p>In higher education, academic probation is a serious issue that often results from the complex interactions of several different causes. This quantitative research evaluates the social, academic, and support aspects related to students being placed on probation and their academic performance level. The study involved 69 undergraduate students through purposive sampling who were on academic probation at one of the institutions in Ozamiz City. The researchers used the descriptive-correlational research design, Family Affluence Scale Learning, Study Strategies Inventory, and the Social Support Questionnaire were instruments used in the study. Mean, standard deviation, frequency, Percentage, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient were the statistical tools used. The results indicate that work and academic responsibilities, classroom involvement, teaching effectiveness, and support factors have significantly impacted students on probation. These students consistently exhibit poor academic performance, with the greatest difficulties arising in General Education, followed by Major subjects, and then Professional Education. The connection between socioeconomic factors and academic performance was generally found to be insignificant. Additionally, there was no significant relationship between socioeconomic factors and support factors, nor between academic and support factors.</p> Cean Ej G. Peralta Nessiel Joy G. Morales Eden A. Neri Genelyn R. Baluyos Copyright (c) 2025 Cean Ej G. Peralta, Nessiel Joy G. Morales, Eden A. Neri, Genelyn R. Baluyos 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 79 95 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.6 Teacher Leadership and Collaboration in Leading Curriculum Innovation: A Case Study on Effective Practices <p><em>This case study investigates the role of teacher leadership and collaboration in facilitating curriculum innovation within the educational settings of Davao de Oro and Davao City. The research focuses on the effective practices that improve educational outcomes and how teacher collaboration and leadership drive curriculum reform. The study is guided by three key objectives: exploring teachers' lived experiences in implementing curriculum innovations, identifying coping mechanisms to overcome the challenges associated with curriculum changes, and uncovering insights and strategies that support curriculum reform. The study also seeks to address three central research questions regarding the challenges teachers face in implementing new curriculum practices, the strategies they use to cope with these challenges, and the lessons they have learned that can guide future curriculum innovations. Theoretical grounding for this study is provided by Transformational Leadership Theory, which emphasizes the role of leaders in creating an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation. The theory underscores the importance of teacher leaders in driving educational change and promoting cooperative practices. This research employed a qualitative-case study approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews to gather data from six public master teachers in the Department of Education, who were selected based on their extensive experience in teaching and leading curriculum initiatives. Thematic analysis was employed to interpret the data, allowing for an in-depth understanding of how teacher leadership and collaboration contribute to successful curriculum innovation. The findings highlight key strategies used by teachers to overcome challenges and provide valuable insights for educators and administrators seeking to foster a culture of curriculum innovation in schools. By documenting the practices of effective teacher leaders, this study contributes to the broader understanding of how teacher collaboration and leadership can drive meaningful curriculum reforms in diverse educational contexts. </em></p> Jamela Ainin Maria Gloria Tampus John Mart Eliseo Copyright (c) 2025 Jamela Ainin, Maria Gloria Tampus, John Mart Eliseo 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 96 114 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.7 The Influence of Audit Committee Activities, Audit Committee Independence, Audit Committee Competence, and Female Audit Committee Members on Audit Quality in Palm Oil Companies <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of audit committee activities on audit quality, analyze the effect of audit committee independence on audit quality, analyze the effect of audit committee competence on audit quality, and analyze the effect of female audit committees on audit quality. The number of samples in this study was 12 companies for 6 years, namely 2018 to 2023, so that the total number of observations was 72 samples. The data analysis technique used multiple regression. The results of the analysis show that audit committee activities have a positive and significant effect on audit quality. This indicates that a more active audit committee supervises the audit process and ensures that auditors carry out their duties independently and objectively encourages auditors to carry out audits more carefully and produce quality audits. Audit committee independence has no effect on audit quality. This shows that audit committee independence cannot affect the quality of audits produced by external audits. Supervision related to audit results carried out by an independent audit committee if not balanced with competence and experience related to the related field to supervise external audit performance to produce quality audit reports. Audit committee competence has no effect on audit quality. This shows that audit committee competence cannot affect the quality of audits from external auditors. Auditors in carrying out their audits must remain in accordance with procedures and must improve their audit quality so that the audited financial statements can reflect the true value. The existence of a female audit committee does not affect audit quality. This shows that the presence of women in the audit committee does not affect the audit quality of external auditors. External auditors in carrying out the audit process are not influenced by the gender of the audit committee in carrying out the supervisory function and the audit results made by the external auditor.</em></p> David Lumban Gaol Edi Subiyantoro Prihat Assih Copyright (c) 2025 David Lumban Gaol, Edi Subiyantoro, Prihat Assih 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 115 129 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.8 The Influence of Asset Growth and Asset Size on Systematic Risk (Beta) of Banking Stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of asset growth and asset size on the systematic risk (beta) of banking stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Systematic risk is a risk that cannot be eliminated through diversification and is an important indicator for investors in assessing the sensitivity of stocks to market changes. The number of samples in this study was 41 banks for 3 years, resulting in 123 observations. This study uses multiple linear regression methods with secondary data obtained from the bank's annual financial statements and market information. The results of the study indicate that asset growth has a positive and significant effect on systematic risk. This indicates that high asset growth tends to increase the systematic risk of stocks. Conversely, asset size has a negative and significant effect on systematic risk, which means that banks with larger asset sizes have lower systematic risk. The regression model shows that both variables together explain most of the variability in the systematic risk of banking stocks. This study provides an important contribution to investors and bank management in understanding the relationship between asset growth, asset size, and systematic risk of stocks. The implications of this study can help investors in making better investment decisions and provide guidance for banks to manage risk through appropriate asset management strategies.</em></p> Ari Irawan Henny Septiana Amalia Nurul Hayati Dini Rusqiati Iqbal Firdausi Copyright (c) 2025 Ari Irawan, Henny Septiana Amalia, Nurul Hayati, Dini Rusqiati, Iqbal Firdausi 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 130 136 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.9 Water Ethics for sustainable Rural Community-Based Water Service System in Malang Regency, Indonesia <p><em>The sustainability of rural-based water services for villagers is typically determined by technical operational factors of the service. These factors encompass the production and distribution of water to end users, the management of financial records, and the availability of managerial competence, environmental awareness, and social community support. The objective of this qualitative study is to elucidate the factors that contribute to the sustainability of the village water service system administered by the water users association. The data presented herein was collected through a combination of in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation with informants from the management of the association and the head of the Association of Water Users in Malang City. The findings revealed that the management of water users associations prioritizes the utilization of water for the social welfare of residents, particularly the economically disadvantaged, over the pursuit of financial gain for the institution. This approach is exemplified by the exemption from water pipe installation and monthly subscription fees for houses of worship, along with the provision of discounts ranging from 25 to 50 percent for economically disadvantaged households seeking to install water pipes. Moreover, the management establishes a more inexpensive subscription rate in comparison to that of the local government-managed drinking water company. Moreover, a portion of the profits from water management are allocated to enhance the social welfare of residents. The ethical norm of water for the common good is a determining factor in the sustainability of water services. This commitment is further reinforced by the values of sincerity, volunteerism, and a genuine concern for enhancing the well-being of residents.</em></p> Rochmad Effendy Bambang Satriya Kridawati Sadhana Copyright (c) 2025 Rochmad Effendy, Bambang Satriya, Kridawati Sadhana 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 137 146 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.10 Career Development of Indonesian Army Officers at the Korem 022/Pantai Timur Pematang Siantar <p><em>The research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of career development for TNI AD officers at the officer level based on Kasad's Decree Number Kep/462/VIII/2021 dated 4 August 2021 concerning career development for TNI AD officers within Korem 022/Pantai Timur Pematang Siantar as well as analyzing supporting factors and Barriers to Career Development for TNI AD Officers at the Officer Level based on Kasad Decree Number Kep/462/VIII/2021 dated 4 August 2021 concerning Career Development for TNI AD Officers in Korem 022/Pantai Timur Pematang Siantar. Based on the facts and phenomena obtained in the field, the following research results were obtained: The process of dismissal, appointment and transfer of positions at Korem 022/Pantai Timur is formally based on structured guidelines, with an emphasis on officer performance and competency. However, in implementation, social factors such as litigation as well as practical constraints such as limited resources and environmental adaptation still influence decisions, even though transparency and objectivity are sought. In promotions, the implementation of a meritocracy-based performance evaluation system, supported by multi-layered verification mechanisms and fair assessments of all officers, including those in remote areas, will increase transparency, trust and effectiveness in the promotion process in Korem 022/Pantai Timur Educational selection is the main key in the officer career development process at Korem 022, which ensures that promoted officers meet the technical, leadership and physical and mental readiness standards required to occupy strategic positions.</em></p> <p><em>Supporting factors such as welfare, moral support, discipline and overall technical skills support the success of officer career development at Korem 022/Pantai Timur. And difficulties in policy, budget, physical and mental readiness, as well as geographical challenges together hinder officer career development.</em></p> Andri Daniel Bonaventura Ngarawula Wahyu Wiyani Copyright (c) 2025 Andri Daniel, Bonaventura Ngarawula, Wahyu Wiyani 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 147 174 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.11 Policy Implementation Analysis of Restrictions on Participatory Planning Proposals in Development Planning Consultation <p><em>This research aims to analyze the implementation of the policy of Limiting Participatory Planning Proposals in the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang), as well as to identify supporting and inhibiting factors based on the Circular Letter of the Head of Bappeda of Malang Regency. The research was conducted in Kasembon Village, Bululawang Subdistrict, Malang Regency. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive analysis. The findings show that implementing the policy limiting participatory planning proposals in Kasembon Village based on the Circular Letter of the Head of Malang Regency Bappeda has fulfilled communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure indicators. The main obstacles include the lack of direct socialization, limited technical capacity, community pressure to accommodate more than 10 proposals, and suboptimal coordination. Supporting factors include clear policies, </em><em>Regional Government Information System</em><em> (SIPD) application, and commitment of implementers. Efforts to improve communication, technical capacity, and coordination are needed to support the success of this policy. The study results are expected to provide input for 33 sub-districts in Malang District to organize Musrenbang more effectively per the policy.</em></p> Idris Wahyudianto Agus Sholahuddin Roos Widjajani Copyright (c) 2025 Idris Wahyudianto, Agus Sholahuddin, Roos Widjajani 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 175 186 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.12 Public Service Innovation through the E-Dayoh Application (Digital Guestbook) in Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency <p><em>This paper discusses the implementation of public service innovation through the E-Dayoh application as a digital guest book in Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency. This research aims to utilize the impact of implementing E-Dayoh on the effectiveness and efficiency of public services and to produce government innovation policies regulated in Government Regulation Number 38 of 2017 concerning Regional Innovation. </em></p> <p><em>The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The informants for this research are local government officials, public service officers, and service users. The data obtained was analyzed using the interactive analysis technique Milles, Huberman and Saldhana to identify the main focus related to public service innovation. </em></p> <p><em>The research results show that the implementation of E-Dayoh makes it easier for the public to access services, speeds up the administration process, and increases the transparency of guest data management. However, there are challenges in terms of disseminating the application to the public as well as the need for training for officers in utilizing technological information. Apart from that, the success of the innovation in using the Digital Guest Book is supported by the commitment of the Kanigoro District government and the active participation of residents in using e-dayoh. Thus, the application of E-Dayoh innovation in public services is a response to the growing needs of society.</em></p> <p><em>This research can be a reference for further policy making and encourage other innovations in the context of public services in other regions. Apart from that, these findings also provide recommendations for application development by involving all stakeholders to maximize the positive impact of this innovation. </em></p> Getha Rulanda Tommy Hariyanto Yustina Ndung Copyright (c) 2025 Getha Rulanda, Tommy Hariyanto, Yustina Ndung 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 187 198 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.13 Spiritual formation and ‘Attention Economy’: Exploring facilitators' awareness and approaches during Retreats and Recollections <p><em>This study examines the intersection of the 'attention economy' and the religious/spiritual formation processes within retreats and recollections, focusing on facilitators' perspectives and practices. Employing an exploratory approach, the research incorporates focused-group discussion with select facilitators to analyze their awareness, roles, views, and methods for addressing attention-related challenges in face-to-face retreats. The findings highlight facilitators' acute awareness of attention challenges and their proactive efforts to enhance student experiences by minimizing distractions, incorporating reflective activities, and fostering an engaging environment. The study underscores that effective attention management is pivotal for deepening spiritual engagement. It also identifies the need for innovative pedagogical approaches tailored to contemporary cognitive demands. Facilitators believe adaptive strategies significantly improve attentional focus and enrich spiritual practices during retreats. The research calls for further exploration of student perspectives and interdisciplinary collaboration to deepen understanding of attention management in spiritual contexts. Recommendations include continuous professional development for facilitators and using larger, probabilistic samples to enhance the findings' generalizability. Addressing the challenges posed by the ‘attention economy’ has the potential to profoundly impact the holistic development of participants in spiritual formation programs.</em></p> Alvenio G. Mozol Jr Godorico V. Miranda Alma P. Sabulao Gracita S. Perez Copyright (c) 2025 Alvenio G. Mozol Jr, Godorico V. Miranda, Alma P. Sabulao, Gracita S. Perez 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 199 211 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.14 Impact of 2013 Tariff Billing Reforms on Economic Efficiency in Bwari Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja <p><em>This research investigates the economic inefficiencies arising from the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company's (AEDC) estimated billing practices for non-metered electricity consumers in Bwari Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. The study explores the adverse impacts of these practices on household incomes, small business performance, and consumer trust through the lens of the neoclassical economic theory of efficiency, consumer behavior, and the modern theory of electricity demand. The findings highlight that inaccuracies in estimated billing practices disproportionately affect economically vulnerable groups, thereby hindering local economic stability.</em></p> <p><em>Employing a mixed-methods approach that integrates quantitative and qualitative data with content analysis, the research uncovers significant challenges associated with AEDC's estimated billing system. Overbilling and billing unpredictability not only erode consumer financial stability but also impair the operational efficiency of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). These inefficiencies exacerbate inequality, amplify socio-economic pressures, and fuel widespread consumer dissatisfaction.</em></p> <p><em>To address these challenges, the study proposes several recommendations, including the implementation of universal prepaid metering, enhanced billing transparency, and targeted subsidies for vulnerable consumers. These interventions aim to improve fairness, restore trust, and foster economic inclusivity. By aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 (affordable and clean energy for all), this research underscores the critical role of equitable energy distribution in fostering sustainable development and economic empowerment.</em></p> Iliya Haruna Vongjen Dr. Anthony Ihuoma Dr. Chris AC-Ogbonna Copyright (c) 2025 Iliya Haruna Vongjen, Dr. Anthony Ihuoma, Dr. Chris AC-Ogbonna 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 6 1 212 227 10.47505/IJRSS.2025.1.15