The Role of the TNI in Accelerating the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

A Study on the Social Role of the TNI in Accelerating the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the DKI - Jakarta Area


  • A. Jaka Tandang University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Bonaventura Ngarawula University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Tommy Hariyanto University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Soldier Interaction Role, Role Form, Role Assessment, Covid-19 Pandemic


One of the institutions that have a major role in disaster management and management is the TNI, which is seriously working enthusiastically and actively involved in various activities related to handling this virus pandemic. They are TNI personnel working hand in hand, day and night almost non-stop in the community in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the role of the TNI in accelerating the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, especially in the DKI - Jakarta area to date and to describe and analyze what factors support and hinder the role of the TNI in Accelerating the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Indonesia, especially in the DKI - Jakarta area until now. To reveal this reality, qualitative research methods are used where the data obtained is processed by organizing and sorting the data into patterns or categories and descriptions of basic units so that they can be read and interpreted. Based on the facts and phenomena obtained in the field, the research results are as follows: First, the role of soldiers in accelerating the handling of the pandemic is carried out through interaction with the community, supported by the implementation of an active role in providing assistance that has been carried out effectively despite fears of resistance with the community. Second, the form of the TNI's role is shown by active coordination starting from the early stages to the present in handling the pandemic. in addition, the appeal for handling the pandemic is conveyed through the Social Communication strategy and conducting monitoring and evaluation as a basis for formulating future strategies. Third, the involvement of the TNI in accelerating the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is supported by personnel resources who, in terms of quality and quantity, are eligible to be involved in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, and are supported by a presidential policy that is made as a legal umbrella in its implementation. Fourth, the supporting and driving factors for the role of Indonesian Army Soldiers in Responding to the Development of Social Media in Supporting the Main Tasks of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) include: Supporters, The involvement of the TNI in accelerating the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is supported by personnel resources who in terms of quality and quantity are eligible to be involved in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, and are supported by a presidential policy that is made as a legal umbrella in its implementation. Barrier, The inhibiting factor in the involvement of the TNI in accelerating the handling of the covid pandemic is the lack of knowledge and lack of awareness of the public about the dangers of covid 19 and state budget support that is sourced from the APBN but is limited in its use and can impact on the defense budget allocation. From these findings, a Major Proposition can be drawn up. The role of soldiers in accelerating the handling of the pandemic is carried out through interaction with the community and active coordination with other institutions followed by monitoring in order to show that the TNI is indeed needed because it is supported by soldier resources and the right policies in handling the pandemic, regardless of still not optimal awareness and budget support in its involvement. The above results support the main theory (grand theory) used in this study, namely the theory of role aspects from Biddle and Thomas in Sarwono (2005) which mentions important aspects of behavior in roles, namely: expectations, norms in roles that are realized by social interaction, form role, and role assessment. However, in the behavioral aspect of the role studied regarding the involvement of the TNI in the Acceleration of Pandemic Response, the behavioral aspect of the role does not accommodate expectations in the role because the expectations about the role are the expectations of others about appropriate behavior, which should be shown by someone who has a certain role. Expectations about this behavior can be generally accepted, can be expectations from a group of people, and can also be expectations from one particular person, this is because at the beginning of this involvement the TNI's role in handling the pandemic there were still pros and cons regarding its involvement. which should be shown by someone who has a certain role. Expectations about this behavior can be generally accepted, can be expectations from a group of people, and can also be expectations from one particular person, this is because at the beginning of this involvement the TNI's role in handling the pandemic there were still pros and cons regarding its involvement. which should be shown by someone who has a certain role. 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How to Cite

A. Jaka Tandang, Bonaventura Ngarawula, & Tommy Hariyanto. (2022). The Role of the TNI in Accelerating the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Study on the Social Role of the TNI in Accelerating the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the DKI - Jakarta Area. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(1), 26–40.


