Innovation for Handling Stunting Based on Community Empowerment in Gampong Ara, Kembang Tanjong Sub-District, Pidie District, Aceh Province of Indonesia

Study of Policy Implementation Based on Pidie Regent Regulation Number 77 of 2017 about Reduction in Stunting


  • Shinta Oktarina University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Kasuwi Saiban University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Catur Wahyudi University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Policy Innovation, Stunting, Community Empowerment


Data from the Department of Health of Pidie District in 2018, there are 557 out of 35,235 toddlers who suffer from stunting (1.5%), and in 2019 there were 2,667 of 37,309 toddlers (7.1%) and in 2020 to 962 people from 37,854 toddlers (2.5 %). This is different from the general phenomenon in Pidie District, in Ara Village in 2017 there are 13 stunting and 4 cases in 2019, and no more in 2020. This study aims to analyze the innovation of stunting handling based on community empowerment in Gampong Ara, Kembang Tanjong Sub-District, Pidie District, Aceh Province based on the Pidie Regent Regulation number 77 of 2017 about the Reduction of Stunting and its driving and inhibiting factors. The research approach uses a case study-based qualitative method. Information data were collected using interviews, observation, documentation studies, and data consistency test was conducted using triangulation test. Data analysis used the interactive process of Miles and Huberman (2014), with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the study show that the mechanisms and procedures for stunting handling in Ara Village, based on the Pidie Regent Regulation number 77 of 2017, implemented with several innovations, namely: (1) make use of the Rumoh Gizi Gampong (RGG) as a center for community empowerment-based activities; (2) build relationships by utilizing networks within the framework of governance; and (3) accumulate funding supported by the government and the community in nature form, as well as (4) the existence of initiatives to address weak human resources through capacity building. Failure in stunting handling prominently can be caused by a lack of knowledge, low human resources, weak support from the village government, there is a wrong perception about clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS), and poor environmental health. Based on the findings above, This study concludes that innovation from policy implementation can provide effective results, when pushed by the structure of network relations within the governance framework, empowerment-based community participation development, funding support is collaborative between the government and the community by prioritizing local culture, and the existence of initiatives that are implemented as a solution to overcome the existing inhibiting factors. Theoretically, this research provides a critique of the theory of Edward III, on the resource aspect, that the presence of weak resources can be substituted by strengthening capacity, so that policy implementation can run, even opening up space for innovation.


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How to Cite

Shinta Oktarina, Kasuwi Saiban, & Catur Wahyudi. (2022). Innovation for Handling Stunting Based on Community Empowerment in Gampong Ara, Kembang Tanjong Sub-District, Pidie District, Aceh Province of Indonesia: Study of Policy Implementation Based on Pidie Regent Regulation Number 77 of 2017 about Reduction in Stunting. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(2), 12–24.


