Phenomenological Study of the Traditional Marriage Ceremony of the Dayak Kenyah Tribe, Busang Sub-District, East Kalimantan


  • Impung Anyeq University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Bonaventura Ngarawula University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Dwi Suharnoko University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Phenomenology, Dayak Traditional Marriage Ceremony


This research aims toanalyze and describe the procession and rituals of the traditional marriage culture of the Dayak Kenyah tribe, analyze and describe the meaning in the traditional marriage symbols of the local community of the Dayak Kenyah tribe and analyze and reconceptualize the meaning and symbol of the traditional marriage of the local community in the Dayak Kenyah tribe through the phenomenological method. This study uses Edmund Husserl's phenomenological analysis which emphasizes understanding which is related to action, speech, and interaction. The Dayak Kenyah tribe considers customary marriage as an inseparable part of each stage. This means that each stage, procession and ritual must be held sequentially. For the Dayak Kenyah tribe, processions and rituals of marriage culture have a high and deep conceptuality. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the traditional Dayak Kenyah marriage has a philosophical meaning. The traditional marriage of the Dayak Kenyah tribe requires very deep symbols and eating. This is because the symbol is a legacy value left by their ancestors to be preserved and passed down to the next generations. This traditional marriage is not only intended and has a meaning to continue the lineage. Instead, the Dayak Kenyah tribe also attaches deep meaning to the implementation or holding of traditional marriages. This philosophical value has been passed down from generation to generation. Although the main philosophical value is to continue the descendants of the Dayak Kenyah, there are still many other philosophical meanings related to the survival of the Dayak Kenyah tribe.


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How to Cite

Impung Anyeq, Bonaventura Ngarawula, & Dwi Suharnoko. (2022). Phenomenological Study of the Traditional Marriage Ceremony of the Dayak Kenyah Tribe, Busang Sub-District, East Kalimantan. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(4), 33–49.


