Security Sector Reform SSR: an Approach for Sustainable Peace and Restore Security in Transitional-Democratizing Sudan Authors Elnazeer Shaaeldin Assistant professor, Centre for Research and African Studies, International University of Africa Sudan DOI: Keywords: Political Reform, Security, Peace, Civil Society, Democracy Abstract The center of this paper is to tackle the challenges of Security Sector Reform SSR in transitional Sudan followed a thriving popular uprising evicted authoritarian - corrupted regime of the National Congress Party NCP had often led by former president Omer Al-B?shir in April 2019. In fact supremacy of military on Sudan’s politics, expansion of array paramilitaries, milimilit, pro-regime etheth groups, sever corruption and ambiguous peapep all of these complicatig restore security, defect democratization and SSR agenda in the country. There There, this ppape argues that political - structural reform, end corruption and revive economy's processes and objects will probably lessen these formidable difficulties . The main objectives of this paper are to clarify how development of array paramilitaries along the country, economic deterioration continue impeding SSR agenda and democratization in sudan , demonstrate the role of the formulation of the new national and foreign policies objectives in supporting application of SSR program, and illustrate how political - structural reform bases bonds civilian - democratized form will downsize domination of military in security sector and politics of Sudan. Uses analytical - inductive technique of Sudan politics, security sector challenges and democratic reform processes, the paper shows that in transition Sudan , SSR, is a complicated process , combines purely political reform targeting governance, Civil societies and institutions reforms. Efforts should be exerted by international actors in supporting transitional government likely facilitate addressing issues of ending peace and economic recovery could robust a path forward to democracy, stability and security. This paper shall probably be able to close the visible academic gap, by expanding debate and deepening understanding on governance, institutions reforms and functioning of SSR agenda in transition, democratizing Sudan. Downloads Pdf How to Cite Shaaeldin, E. (2022). Security Sector Reform SSR: an Approach for Sustainable Peace and Restore Security in Transitional-Democratizing Sudan. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(12), 1–7. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Issue Vol. 3 No. 12: IJRSS December-2022 Section Articles License Copyright (c) 2022 Elnazeer Shaaeldin This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.