The Tradition of Ngaruat Lembur for the Community

Ethnographic Study of Ngaruat Tradition Overtime in Parigi Hamlet, Belendung Village, Cibogo Sub-District, Subang District


  • Enung Nurjanah University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • I Made Weni University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Kasuwi Saiban University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Values, Tradition, Ethnography


This research is motivated by the still holding of the Ngaruat Lembur tradition in the Parigi Hamlet, Belendung Village in the midst of the times that have undergone many changes caused by advances in science and technology. This study aims to describe and analyze the process of organizing the Ngaruat Lembur tradition for the people of Parigi Hamlet, Belendung Village. In addition, it aims to describe and analyze the values ??contained in the tradition. This study uses an ethnographic type of research, which is a qualitative design whose research describes and interprets the same pattern of values, behavior, beliefs, and language of a group of the same culture. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and documentation. The data obtained will be reviewed with Cultural Theory and other relevant theories. Based on the discussion of the research results, it is concluded: (1) The process of organizing the Ngaruat Lembur tradition for the people of Parigi Hamlet, Belendung Village includes the "initial process" which is prepared by supporters voluntarily and with high enthusiasm through committee formation activities, fundraising, making various foods, and cleaning. village environment; The “peak process” is carried out by the supporters with solemnity and high enthusiasm through numbal activities, the Dewi Sri procession, the celebration of nyandak tumpeng, wayang golek performances, and ruatan; and the “final process” which was completed by the supporters with high responsibility and sincere devotion through cleaning up the hamlet environment and disbanding the committee. (2) The values ??contained in the tradition include "religious magical values" which are seen in numbal activities, the Dewi Sri procession, the celebration of nyandak tumpeng, and ruatan as a means of expressing gratitude for the produce of the earth, respect for the ancestors, and refuse reinforcements; “togetherness values” as seen in the activities of forming the committee, raising funds, making various foods, cleaning the hamlet environment, and disbanding the committee as a means of strengthening brotherhood ties; and the “material values” that appear in the wayang golek performances as a means of entertainment, populist economy, and practical politics.


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How to Cite

Enung Nurjanah, I Made Weni, & Kasuwi Saiban. (2022). The Tradition of Ngaruat Lembur for the Community: Ethnographic Study of Ngaruat Tradition Overtime in Parigi Hamlet, Belendung Village, Cibogo Sub-District, Subang District. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(7), 7–23.


