Therapeutic Communication for Drug Addicts

Study of Therapeutic Communication Phenomenology for Drug Addicts) at the Doulos Recovery Cottage, Batu City of East Java


  • Iwan Joko Prasetyo University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia
  • I Made Weni University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Supriyadi University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia



Drug Addicts, Qualitative method, Therapeutic Communication


This study aims to describe and analyze how therapeutic communication is for drug addicts at the Doulos Recovery Cottage, Batu City and to describe and analyze what factors are the supporters and obstacles in therapeutic communication for drug addicts at the Doulos Recovery Cottage, Batu City.  The method used in this study uses a qualitative method.  The data analysis model used in this study is Miles and Hubermen (2014) with three stages, namely: the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, and the conclusion/verification stage.  The initial acceptance stage is: families, almost all clients who undergo the rehabilitation process are escorted by their families to the at Doulos Recovery Cottage, Batu City, and the legal process, those who are rehabilitated are the result of the arrest of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) or the police.  Rehabilitation activities for drug addicts have been arranged holistically (completely comprehensively), integrated, and integrated starting from waking up in the morning until the night before going to bed.  The supporting factors, social support provided in the form of attention, affection, care, giving pocket money, advice, and motivational words are very helpful in the process of recovering the health and psychological condition of the client.  They feel valued, cared for, loved, and loved by those closest to them.  The existence of this social support motivates clients not to return to using drugs again.  The inhibiting factors, there are several inhibiting factors in the rehabilitation process including the family who intervenes too often in the institution, the personality of the client who is still closed and often lies, the counselor who has never attended training or seminars.  These factors become the material for evaluation of the institution to improve services in the future. The existence of this social support motivates clients not to return to using drugs again.  The inhibiting factors, there are several inhibiting factors in the rehabilitation process including the family who intervenes too often in the institution, the personality of the client who is still closed and often lies, and the counselor who has never attended training or seminars.  These factors become the material for evaluation of the institution to improve services in the future.  The existence of this social support motivates clients not to return to using drugs again.  The inhibiting factors, there are several inhibiting factors in the rehabilitation process including the family who intervenes too often in the institution, the personality of the client who is still closed and often lies, and the counselor who has never attended training or seminars.  These factors become the material for evaluation of the institution to improve services in the future.


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How to Cite

Iwan Joko Prasetyo, I Made Weni, & Supriyadi. (2022). Therapeutic Communication for Drug Addicts: Study of Therapeutic Communication Phenomenology for Drug Addicts) at the Doulos Recovery Cottage, Batu City of East Java. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 3(8), 104–113.


