Community Participation in Village Development

Social Reality Study in the Village Development Process in Wandanpuro Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency


  • Rudy Catur Rohman Kusmayadi University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia
  • I Made Weni University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia
  • Sri Hartini Jatmikowati University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia



Accountability, Community participation, Community social reality, Qualitative research


The aim of this research is as follows: To describe and analyze community participation in the context of community social reality in the process of planning, implementing, utilizing and evaluating/reporting village development in Wandanpuro Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency and to describe and analyze the factors that supporting and inhibiting community participation in the context of community social reality in the process of planning, implementing, utilizing and evaluating/reporting village development in Wandanpuro Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency. This research uses qualitative and descriptive research methods. Data analysis techniques include data condensation, data presentation and verification (drawing conclusions). Research findings show that active community participation is the key to the success of effective and sustainable village development, in accordance with the needs and aspirations of residents. In Wandanpuro Village, participation in the Village Deliberation forum and Village Development Planning Deliberation shows the importance of community involvement in decision making, benefit generation and evaluation. This participation increases accountability, transparency and quality of development. Supporting factors for community participation include government support, financing institutions, infrastructure, strong local leadership, community awareness, local resources, and social cohesion. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include lack of socialization, transparency, information, involvement of community leaders, coordination, budget, training, incentives, and access to information and technology. Internal factors that hinder include low awareness, interest, sense of belonging, paternalistic culture, education, skills, and the community's economic preoccupation.


How to Cite

Rudy Catur Rohman Kusmayadi, I Made Weni, & Sri Hartini Jatmikowati. (2024). Community Participation in Village Development: Social Reality Study in the Village Development Process in Wandanpuro Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 5(6), 124–145.


