Digital Transformation and Literacy of Batu City Community Through the Village TV Program


  • M. Alwiadi Pane College of Social and Political Sciences "Waskita Dharma" Malang, Indonesia
  • Eka Setyowati College of Social and Political Sciences "Waskita Dharma" Malang, Indonesia



Batu City, Digital Transformation and Literacy, Village TV


Digital transformation is the change and development of digital technology that affects life patterns in changes in all aspects of the system. Digital transformation can have positive or negative impacts. One of the negative impacts is the threat of cybercrime as currently experienced by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology which experienced a cyber attack and had an impact on all data in the government environment nationally. So, good skills in digital literacy are needed so that this digital transformation can be a positive direction. Digital literacy is a person's ability to read, select, sort and manage information sourced from digital platforms. The Communication and Informatics Office of Batu City has an interesting program in order to provide positive digital literacy to the community through Village TV. This Village TV is divided into 24 channels according to the village and kelurahan areas in Batu City. In practice, there are still obstacles in its operation, but there are already strategies that have been implemented by the Communication and Informatics Office of Batu City so that the objectives of Village TV can be achieved


How to Cite

M. Alwiadi Pane, & Eka Setyowati. (2024). Digital Transformation and Literacy of Batu City Community Through the Village TV Program . International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 5(7), 77–84.


