Analysis of the Influence of Local Original Income, General Allocation Fund and Special Allocation Fund on Economic Growth with Capital Expenditure as an Intervening Variable in Regional Governments throughout Manggarai Raya in 2013-2023


  • Valentin Romualda Gaudiosa Bella Adur Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology Ledalero, Indonesia



Capital Expenditure, Economic Growth, General Allocation Fund, Local Original Income, Special Allocation Fund.


The purpose of this study is to analyze and test the effect of Local Revenue, General Allocation Fund and Special Allocation Fund on Economic Growth with Capital Expenditure as an Intervening variable in local governments throughout Manggarai Raya. This study was conducted in Regencies/Cities throughout Manggarai Raya. The population and sample used in this study were reports on the realization of the Regional Budget throughout Manggarai Raya. Furthermore, this study used path analysis as a research method. From the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that the test results found that partially the variables of Local Revenue and Special Allocation Fund have a significant effect on capital expenditure. While for the General Allocation Fund it does not have a significant effect on capital expenditure, the test results found that partially the variables of Local Revenue, Special Allocation Fund and Capital Expenditure do not have a significant effect on economic growth. While for the General Allocation Fund it has a significant effect on economic growth, the results of the path coefficient test show that only the Special Allocation Fund variable has a significant effect on economic growth through capital expenditure. While Local Revenue and General Allocation Fund do not have a significant effect on economic growth through capital expenditure.


How to Cite

Valentin Romualda Gaudiosa Bella Adur. (2024). Analysis of the Influence of Local Original Income, General Allocation Fund and Special Allocation Fund on Economic Growth with Capital Expenditure as an Intervening Variable in Regional Governments throughout Manggarai Raya in 2013-2023. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 5(9), 53–66.