Social Assistance Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic in East Kutai, Indonesia


  • Nurhawati University of Merdeka, Malang Indonesia
  • Kridawati Sadhana University of Merdeka, Malang Indonesia
  • Praptining Sukowati University of Merdeka, Malang Indonesia



Covid-19 Pandemic Period, Policy implementation, Social Assistance Program


The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the implementation of the Social Assistance Program during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 of 2020 in Selangkau Village, Kaliorang District, East Kutai Regency. As well as describe and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors in the program's implementation. The location of the research was conducted at Selangkau Village, Kaliorang District, East Kutai Regency. The data sources are primary data and secondary data. The data collection techniques used were interviews. The data analysis technique in this study uses stages of data collection, condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the study found that the Social Assistance Program during the Covid-19 pandemic in Selangkau Village, Kaliorang District, East Kutai Regency, reviewed from the variables of communication, resources, commitment, and coordination, has been successfully implemented by the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 of 2020. The implementation of the program has been supported by several factors, namely the existence of complete population data sources, technical instructions, implementation instructions, and rules for the use of funds, having responsible staff, government attention, donors, and the existence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds from the company. However, inhibiting factors still need to be found, namely lack of communication between staff, lack of supervision from superiors, difficult access, lack of communication with target groups, and inappropriate beneficiary data. It is hoped that this research can contribute ideas and input to implementing the Social Assistance Program in a socially just manner in the future based on laws and regulations for the Selangkau Village Government, Kaliorang District, East Kutai Regency.


How to Cite

Nurhawati, Kridawati Sadhana, & Praptining Sukowati. (2024). Social Assistance Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic in East Kutai, Indonesia. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 5(10), 30–44.