The Role of Social Actors in the Character Resilience of Former Drug Offenders in Surakarta City, Central Java


  • Henriyadi Wasono Putro University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Agus Sholahuddin University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Catur Wahyudi University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Character Resilience, Former Drug Offenders, Social Actors


The role of social actors is crucial in building the character resilience of former drug offenders in Surakarta, a city marked by its diversity and progress. Social actors must support the reintegration of ex-drug offenders, who often experience feelings of inferiority and face difficulties reintegrating into society after their release from prison. This support can be provided through various means, including moral and emotional support, social and life skills training, and assistance in finding employment or developing entrepreneurial ventures. This research aims to examine the role of social actors—comprising family and friends, government, the private sector, and civil society organizations—in fostering the character resilience of former drug offenders in Surakarta, Central Java. The study employs social roles and actors as analytical tools to understand these phenomena. In essence, qualitative research is used to explain how individuals perceive, describe, or interpret their social world, drawing meaning from their interactions. The findings reveal that the role of social actors in enhancing the character resilience of former drug offenders remains suboptimal. Rehabilitation and reintegration efforts led by these social actors have not been effectively implemented to build self-confidence among former drug offenders. There is a clear need for continued assistance and supervision, education and training, and personal engagement from community or religious leaders to combat negative societal stigma. Strategies to improve the effectiveness of social actors in building character resilience have not been thoroughly developed, such as organizing mental resilience training integrated with spiritual guidance. The rehabilitation process should involve families through education and assistance to provide emotional support. Several social and environmental barriers to build the character resilience of former drug offenders persist, such as the enduring negative stigma of being labeled as an addict, which hampers support for the rehabilitation process. Former offenders frequently face social rejection and discriminatory attitudes, particularly in employment contexts, which diminishes their self-esteem and motivation. However, social support from families and the community can offer an essential sense of security for former drug offenders. Encouragement from the social environment has not been fully realized; many families fail to provide the emotional support necessary for community acceptance, and effective communication to resolve issues remains lacking. Meanwhile, close friends play a role in promoting societal acceptance and providing positive oversight. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool in educating the public about the dangers of drug abuse and supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of former drug offenders.


How to Cite

Henriyadi Wasono Putro, Agus Sholahuddin, & Catur Wahyudi. (2025). The Role of Social Actors in the Character Resilience of Former Drug Offenders in Surakarta City, Central Java. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 6(1), 44–70.


