Christian Education of Zendeling-Based at the Kalimantan Evangelical Church (GKE) A Phenomenological-Historical Study at GKE Mandomai Vocational High School, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Authors Yuprinadie University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia Bonaventura Ngarawula University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia Zainur Rozikin University of Merdeka Malang Indonesia DOI: Keywords: Christian Education, Zendeling Abstract Analyzing and describing the historical-phenomenological zendeling-based Christian education process in GKE. Analyze and describe the process of Christian education organized by GKE at SMK GKE Mandomai. This study uses a qualitative approach. The Christian education process based on historical-phenomenological zendeling at GKE, Christian education efforts organized by zending BMG are in nature continuing what has been initiated by Zending RMG. Besides continuing, BMG's zending also develops and encourages school independence. This is in line with BMG's zending efforts which have begun to prepare for the independence of the local church which will soon be formed. Coupled with the political situation at that time, which was currently heating up Indonesia's national awakening. So that people's demands for higher education are getting stronger. The Christian education process organized by GKE at GKE Mandomai Vocational School, GKE Mandomai Vocational School. As one of the schools that became a church and zending lighthouse project, GKE Mandomai Vocational School became a vocational school with modern techniques and equipment, the school's vision and mission became general guidelines that would direct the movement of learning to be taken where, the curriculum implemented by GKE Mandomai Vocational School followed government policy by implementing the national curriculum, the educational insights of the zendeling who see the school as a Missionsmittel resulted in a close relationship between the congregation and the school, SMK GKE Mandomai actually has tremendous potential that can be developed to support the existence of the school. The congregation in Mandomai and its surroundings can be an important asset for the continuity of education management at the GKE Vocational School. The school which is open to anyone provides a large enough opportunity for non-Christian children to gain knowledge at the school. 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