The Behavior of Lecturers and Students of the College of Agricultural Sciences (STIPER) Sangatta City, Indonesia

Study of the Social Reality of the Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education at STIPER Sangatta City, East Kutai Regency


  • La Rusli Latania University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Bonaventura Ngarawula University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Budhy Prianto University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Behavior, Lecturers, Students, Management


Policies and strategies in the field of education that have been carried out by the East Kutai Regency Government in developing and providing educational services through programs, one of the programs is free education to tertiary institutions. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the management of STIPER as a free university, to analyze and describe the behavior and performance of lecturers as well as the behavior and quality of free STIPER Sangatta college students. In this study the authors used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the management at STIPER includes the management of existing resources within a higher education institution, namely students, funds and facilities, administrative management, management of higher education institutions. To improve the quality of the lecturers, doctoral study assignments are carried out for lecturers according to their scientific fields, participating in various trainings, seminars and workshops funded by STIPER Sangatta. The quality of STIPER Very graduate students, most of whom work as civil servants / ASN in East Kutai Regency, work in oil palm plantations, coal mining, oil and gas, private entrepreneurs and as members of the legislature. STIPER Sangatta needs to make management efforts through the quality management approach of the STIPER Sangatta East Kutai college as a whole in the campus community. The quality of STIPER Very graduate students, most of whom work as civil servants / ASN in East Kutai Regency, work in oil palm plantations, coal mining, oil and gas, private entrepreneurs and as members of the legislature. STIPER Sangatta needs to make management efforts through the quality management approach of the STIPER Sangatta East Kutai college as a whole in the campus community. The quality of STIPER Very graduate students, most of whom work as civil servants / ASN in East Kutai Regency, work in oil palm plantations, coal mining, oil and gas, private entrepreneurs and as members of the legislature. STIPER Sangatta needs to make management efforts through the quality management approach of the STIPER Sangatta East Kutai college as a whole in the campus community.


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How to Cite

La Rusli Latania, Bonaventura Ngarawula, & Budhy Prianto. (2021). The Behavior of Lecturers and Students of the College of Agricultural Sciences (STIPER) Sangatta City, Indonesia: Study of the Social Reality of the Implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education at STIPER Sangatta City, East Kutai Regency. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS) ISSN:2582-6220, DOI: 10.47505/IJRSS, 2(6), 25–39.


